A poem inspired by Jon Pountain's painting 'Mount Hina'
Vinyl acrylic paint on plywood panel, 25cm (H) x 20cm (W), 2020 visit Jon's website to see more of his incredible paintings www.jonpountain.com

Blazing lights over dark mountain
So dark I am lost in her presence
As I fall into her darkness, I remember I have known you before, I have lived in the mouth of your caves
I crawl into your depths, I am centre
There I dance with black staffs and Mount Hina shakes to her core
I breathe you into my belly, my belly swells with momentous energy, vibrating to the sound of drums below
The lights come out of my dark mouth and soar into the sky as if they have been there for all time
The moon is formed, light bleeds down and I weep with joy
My tears become an ocean and the light dances on the surface
I weave a circular portal with beads of light that come alive when you are ready to dive to meet me in between worlds
#poetry #contemporarypainting#art #wildwoman #otherworldly #moon #mountains #painting #shadows #femininewisdom #godess #ancient #mythology #dreams
If you would like to work with me, I offer shamanic healings and mentorship sessions.